Car designs reimagined.

The all-new Tesla S Coupe and Tesla S 2-door Convertible by Mega Engineering Vehicles.

Tesla S 2-door Convertible
By Geroge land
Mega Engineering Vehicle comes a couple new offerings in the same vein – a Tesla Model S coupe and a Tesla S 2 door convertible!
Mega Engineering Vehicle says based on a four door Tesla Model S, front doors will be extended for more comfort and ease.
“Driving the Tesla S 2 door convertible will be the ultimate green vehicle of our time,” the company said  in a statement.
The electrically operated top closes via a button on the dash and is finished off with two easy-to-use manual latches on the edges of the header.
A power-latching system is available for more dinero.
We started off our drive with the top up. First thing we noticed is the solid structural rigidity.
This is no Fox-bodied Mustang custom convertible. Crossing a couple rain gutters, the whole car stays stiff, and there’s no squeaking or creaking to indicate a decline in torsional rigidity. We found the same stiff bodies on other custom convertible we’ve driven in the past. Reinforcements are added around the door sills, pillars and window frame. We have seen frame stiffening on other Mega projects and saw some projects underway in the shop when we visited, so structural rigidity isn’t something to worry
about with one of these.
Mega Engineering Vehicle proudly presents “Evolution’s of the Tesla Model S”, next generation
All conversions by Mega Engineering Vehicles come with a 2-years warranty and is serviceable worldwide.
1) Tesla Model S Coupe, Price for conversion is set for……………..………………..………….…………….…… Price upon request
2) Tesla Model S 2-door convertible (soft boot), additional Price for conversion is set for…………. Price upon request
3) Tesla Model S 2-door convertible (hard boot), additional Price for conversion is set for………… Price upon request